An 11km
run north and east from Clapham, on the way back from visiting Simon and Lesley.
Route: from the car park in Clapham (£2.50 for 2 hours), taking the road north and then a track east of the church through two very dark and stony tunnels and then up onto the shoulder of the hillside of Norber. Straight on and down to a crossroads with a minor road, taking a left turn heading uphill, the road becoming a track. On this to a grassy bridleway which turns left and goes uphill again near Crummack. At this point mistakenly bearing too far left (apparently, according to this blog, for the second time) and thus ending up too far to the south and east, so striking across rough rocky country to reach a significant wall and following this north to find the main track to a gate in a wall and downhill on a stony walled track (Long Lane) eventually rising to meet the outward path and return through the tunnels.
Conditions: a beautiful crisp cold sunny day but with some ice under foot.
Pub: the Royal Barn, Kirkby Lonsdale for Kirkby Lonsdale Singletrack.