Route: leaving the car parked near the stonemasons on Windermere Road, Staveley, and walking west to join the A591. Taking a faint path to the right to an unlocked gate and then right on a clear path. At a T-junction turning left on a fainter though continuous brambly path, sometimes with tricky muddy ascents before joining a short clear gully to a fence (with a bench on the other side). Continuing in the hope of finding a direct ascent of the hill but finding no path and much bracken, thus trending right just above a path. At about GR 460 986 finding a clear path left, uphill and north-west, gaining altitude just under a scree band to reach almost to the top of the summit plateau near a wall. Turning right to cross a newish stile 50m from the summit.
Continuing on very wet muddy ground to Hugill Fell and experimenting by following a path trending left and downhill just inside Right-to-Roam land. Investigating a track descending towards High Reston Farm but deciding not to risk a lack of access so returning to a clear marshy path back to the gate used on the outward route, back to near the Reston Scar summit and descending, taking in the view of Staveley, to School Lane and back to the car.
Conditions: 4C but warm on the ascent in bright sun.
Pub: the Watermill at Ings for Wruff Justice and Collie Wobbles