11 October 2015

8km run north of Staveley

A short run as part of Lois' ongoing physiotherapy.

Route: from the Mill Yard, crossing the river by the new footbridge and heading south east over fields to reach and turn right on the back road. Taking a track to a small waterfall and continuing on the right hand side of the stream up the valley before turning left and descending to Birk Field. Joining the (familiar) road and heading past Littlewood Farm to Ghyll Bank and taking a tiny path down a field of damp grass before dog legging left right across another road and following tracks to Elfhowe. Along the track through Scroggs Farm to Hall Lane and back to the start via the footbridge.

Conditions: cloudy but bright. Warm for October.

Pub: the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley for the new White IPA and WPA.