Route: turning south from the cottage to take the steep road up to the Whinlatter Pass road. Almost opposite, entering access land through a gate and following a track zig zagging up the field eventually directly ascending to the summit of High How. Exiting the field by climbing a short section of wooden fence in the top right corner and then following the line of a collapsed wall very steeply up through gorse before arriving at a more level grassy summit plateau. After reaching the unmarked summit, heading north west to a cairn marked 'pile of stones' on the map and thence down a gentler slope to join a track to the west of Harrot and past a herd of interested cows and calves to reach a C-road. Back along the B5292 to Lorton.
Conditions: cloudy and cool on the top.
Pub: Tweedies Bar, Grasmere for Brewsmith Bitter and Fyne Ales Hurricane Jack.