A fine sunny day's
walk/run (walking the uphill sections and running the level / downhills).
Route: leaving the car in the main Ambleside car park (fairly empty on a weekend between Easter and the May Bank Holiday) and walking/jogging up Stockghyll Lane until the road gave way to track. Then on past Grove Farm on a clear track rising gently uphill eventually to join the Struggle half a mile from the summit. Walking through the car park to take the well engineered path to the summit of Red Screes at a walk. Then running down the glorious gentle ridge, for once quite dry. Making one navigational error by crossing a wall at a gap rather than descendng to the right to a ladder stile and hence having to rejoin the track at a gate later. Having joined the Struggle for half a mile taking the right turn on a path to enter Ambleside on Sweden Bridge Lane.
Conditions: a glorious sunny day.
Pub: the Hawkshead Beer Hall, Staveley, for Hawkshead WPA, Cumbrian Five Hop and lunch.