A short 7.5km
run on a surprisingly sunny autumn Sunday.
Route: exiting the Mill Yard over the footbridge and heading south east across fields to the sewage works and along the road to the track to Side House but turning left after the initial steep section to follow first a road and then a walled track through woods to reach the junction (at SD 48257 98851). Up the valley on road and track to Ghyll Bank turning left descending over fields to cross Hall Road. Here, for the second time, doglegging right-left (rather than left-right) to follow paths across fields (including a surprising uphill section) to Low Elfhowe and then back along a track to Scroggs Farm and the footbridge to the Mill Yard. (Lois again peeled off at Littlewood Farm to take the route directly over (near) Spy Crag to Barley Bridge, turning left below the route to run across fields above the Barley Bridge road and cut down to a farm gate, just opposite the footpath entrance to the Mill Yard.)
Conditions: a dry sunny day though very wet under foot.
Pub: the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley for lunch, WPA and Cumbrian Five Hop.