A short
walk on a dark but pleasant autumnal Sunday.
Route: Leaving the car at the NT car park for the Bowder Stone and following a sign to it down towards the road and then on a well-made path to the Stone. Proceeding on a quarry track down to the road and along it to a sign and stile on the left. Taking a faint waterlogged path trending upwards and eventually left to climb a faint ridge before heading slightly right to reach a vague saddle. After a 200m taking a path back left to gain the ridge to the summit of King’s How. Onwards, descending a muddy stony path which sometimes became obscured in bracken eventually joining a well-made pitched path slippery with slime and damp leaves and picking our way slowly down to reach the saddle at Brock Bield. Turning left to climb gently before descending towards the road but taking a left-hand path back to the start.
Conditions: dark and cloudy but unseasonably warm.
Pub: the Scafell Hotel, Rosthwaite for Jennings Sneck Lifter.