A wintry
walk with Ian and Steve (no Lois).
Route: leaving the car at the New Dungeon Ghyll National Trust car park (free for members) and taking a muddy path along fields parallel to the river as far as the Old Dungeon Ghyll and then along the road to the campsite and thence up the new-ish zig-zagging engineered path underneath Side Pike to the top of the road pass. Crossing the road and taking a path contouring round the hill to the right and gaining height gradually to meet a path coming more steeply up from lower down the road. Following as it became a paved path into snow to reach the shoulder of Pike o' Blisco. Then through deeper snow, navigating a rock chimney to gain the rocky summit with views over to Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell. Descending a snowy path to Red Tarn and then the clear gravel path over Brown Howe becoming a steep pitched path down to Oxendale, through the farm at Stool End and to the Old Dungeon Ghyll for a beer (or two). Then back along the road to the car.
Conditions: Earlier sun giving way to a cloudy day with a couple of rain showers and a snow shower at the top. Snow under foot at altitude (~400m).
Pub: the Old Dungeon Ghyll for Theakston Old Peculiar.