A 12km
run with uphill walking interludes on Boxing Day, once Angie and Alistair had left.
Route: leaving the car at St Margaret's church near the Pheasant Inn and running along the road to Wythop Mill and on to the green lane Green Lonning, rising and circling underneath Ling Fell. After a short descent, taking a left turn on a footpath rising to join a track and following this to reach access land. Shortly after, taking a left turn on a faint path and making up an ascending zig-zag from available sheep tracks through gorse to reach grassy hillside and following this to the top of the ridge. Crossing a fence to find a clear path to the trig point. Turning left by 90 degrees to descend to find a clear track heading yet further left and following this to within 200m of the wall and bending right and then left downhill to join the Corpse Road and clear run down to Eskin. Descending to the informal parking area and then gently uphill on a road to Kelswick before turning almost 180 degrees to follow a clear path to gain the end of the ridge and then by a combination of running and walking, gaining the summit. Heading east to Lothwaite and then descending on a large clear grassy path between bracken to the church.
Conditions: cloudy and windy with a hint of rain but not cold.
Pub: the Pheasant Inn, Bassenthwaite, for Coniston Bluebird and Cumbrian Legendary Ales Loweswater Gold.