A fine 18km
walk with Simon while Lesley worked in (not on!) the cottage
Route: leaving the car at the NT car park in Buttermere (free for members) and walking through Wilkinsyke Farm and down the east side of the lake shore as far as the tunnel. There turning left and following a faint path and then off path through the grounds of Hassness onto the road. Dog-legging right-left to the footpath running steeply up alongside Hassness How Beck, up a ridge with a perhaps a 6-foot stretch requiring hand-over-hand work, and then a long lesser climb to the summit plateau with a diversion left to reach the summit. Descending Robinson and ascending Hindscarth Edge and then Dale Head. Descending to the quarry and then ascending the old tramway to the plateau and then on a faint path right to cross the quarry road and continue on a winding route to the summit of Fleetwith Pike. Then descending the ridge to pick up the path again on the east side of Buttermere, though the tunnel and back to Buttermere.
Conditions: mainly cloudy, warm and humid but no sign of the forecast rain.
Pub: the Bridge Hotel, Buttermere, for Tractor Shed Mowdy Pale Ale.