A fine 14km
walk but in mainly low cloud and rain with Anne and Frank.
Route: from Black Sail Hut crossing the footbridge and heading up Black Sail Pass, turning right at the crossroads of paths at the summit on an initially scruffy small path. Following this behind Looking Stead. Having almost passed the obvious combe on the right, taking a small path marked by a cairn right and almost immediately awkwardly downhill on a rough combination of muddy path, rock and scree. Then following this High Level Route over another awkward descent before it becoming an easy grassy path beneath cliffs above and with views over Ennerdale. At Robinson’s Cairn, both Pillar Rock but also the route over Shamrock Traverse coming unnervingly into view. However, although the path is airy and two sloping rocks - slippy in the wet - had to be carefully negotiated, no real difficulties being encountered.

At the top of the Rock, heading upwards on a steep but mainly clear path to reach the summit. Then along the initially wide ridge west, with no visibility, descending steeply and blindly into Wind Gap, up onto Scoat Fell and a small sharp descent and ascent onto Steeple, suddenly enjoying clearing views over Ennerdale. Descending the gentle ridge to find a faint path to a stile and then down a wet marshy path in the trees to a forestry track. This being preferable to the path, following it 2km to the footbridge and then back along the main rough road to the hut.
Conditions: rain beginning almost immediately with wind and low cloud, clearing to sun at Steeple.
Pub: bottled Jennings Cocker Hoop at Black Sail Hut.