A short 3pm
walk up the Beacon to mark the end of Lois’s ‘Being the Best You’ course in Penrith.
Route: walking down from the station and across town to meet Lois at the Haydock Centre and then up a straight, steady hill (Graham Street) to Beacon Edge and along this to the start of the footpath, rejecting a longer outward route because of PRIVATE signs and barbed wire. Ascending on a long diagonal left to the summit area, then right on the level before eventually guessing that a small left path was heading up hill in the right direction for the top. From the summit, descending the length of the Beacon east past a group of transmitters and then round to the right to walk along under the Beacon and behind houses on Beacon Edge. At the end of the path, trespassing down through a field and scaling a locked gate to regain the road and back on a different road (Lowther Street) to the Haydock Centre and the car.
Conditions: cloudy, muggy and warm.
Pub: the George and Dragon, Clifton, for Cumbrian Legendary Ales Session IPA.