Route: leaving the car by the side of the road at the entrance to Ling Fell near Eskin and climbing onto the fellside and along the gently rising Corpse Road anti-clockwise round the fell, descending towards a gate (in accord with the original circumnavigation plan). Backtracking left uphill to reach the shoulder of Ling Fell at around 330m. Deciding that honour had been served and so not turning right to the summit but continuing along and following a narrow path downhill with a depression, sloping rather steeply given the snowy conditions and requiring Janet to do a little sledge-free tobogganing to lose some of the altitude before reaching the outward path back to the cars.
Conditions: 4C and thus cold but still. Some snow still on the ground and covering the descent path.
Pub: the Pheasant, Bassenthwaite, for Cumbrian Ales Loweswater Gold and lunch.