Route: Leaving the car at the racecourse layby and running along the main diagonal path towards Dave’s Cairn but turning right before the handgate to try to enter the hidden valley. Having not tried this in a long time, guessing (correctly as it turned out) that the route was a more obvious path to the left, climbing out of the shallow valley but becoming familiar before descending to the other direct path from the racecourse up to the mushroom. Running slowly up this to the handgate and then turning right to hug the wall to the Underbarrow Road. Then up the gravel path onto the edge of the Scar and along this past Dave’s Cairn and then, 200m later, bending left diagonally and then left again to climb parallel with a wall from a lower handgate to the Gate in the Corner then descending parallel to the wall to the Trippy Path and thence back to the start.
Conditions: cloudy and surprisingly threatening, though dry.
Pub: the Factory Tap for (£5!) Fyne Ales Jarl.