29 September 2023

Last 10km of the Dales Way

A solitary 10km jog on an autumnal, grey but dry day.

Route: leaving Windermere station and heading out of the car park to turn right on the A591 and along this east for 200m to a footpath across very damp fields and a very muddy short path to cross the railway. Then through housing, keeping a straight line to join an obvious tarmac lane leading to a tarmac track and following this to a junction. Turning left and then after 100m right through a tall hand gate into a grassy park and following random paths before spotting an obviously ascendant path up School Knott with cloudy views to the central fells, down to a tarn behind it and then cutting a corner to join a clear path from the right ascending to reach a further high-point with a good tree and views back to the central fells. Descending to cross through Hagg End, turn right on a road and then taking the second left path - still on the Dales Way - via Crag House, down then uphill to a flooded gate and eventually reaching and joining the familiar c-road. Descending and then steeply re-ascending on road before descending via a path to the left into Staveley. Having crossed the A591, taking a track to the right leading eventually under the railway and back along the main road to the Mill Yard.

Conditions: mainly completely cloudy.

Pub: the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley, for WPA.

23 September 2023

Slightly extended 9km circuit of Buttermere

The first post Cto5Km run to reach 9km.

Route: leaving the car in the NT car park (almost completely full at noon) and taking the path north-west through a gate to turn left onto a clear gravel path. Turning right off this on a fainter path to ascend slightly and then descend to the north of Long How and to the Crummock Water lakeshore. Turning left to cross a footbridge and circuit Nether How and back past the campsite to the central village car park. Climbing up the road to pass through Wilkinsyke Farm and thus circuit the lake clockwise taking the path over the tunnel. On reaching the south end of the lake 6km later, continuing along the wet and trippy riverside (Buttermere Dubs) path to the second bridge and back to the pub from there.

Conditions: mainly cloudy with some hints of sun.

Pub: the Buttermere Court Hotel for Corby Lakeland Summit and a panini lunch.

17 September 2023

Brackenthwaite Hows pre-prandial pootle

A tiny 4km stroll with Anne and Frank (Lois at church in Loweswater).

Route: leaving the car in the Lanthwaite Wood National Trust car park and taking the steep shortcut to reach the start of the small path up Robin’s Steps to the summit plateau of Brackenthwaite Hows. Descending south and picking up the path within the wood by its eastern wall to join the small path descending to the boat house. Thence round the lake to the pump house and along Park Beck to Park Bridge and then the road to the Kirkstile Inn for lunch.

Conditions: cloudy but dry until very gentle drizzle at the very end.

Pub: the Kirkstile Inn, Loweswater, for American Pale and an early lunch, joined by Lois.


16 September 2023

Balcony Path under Burnbank Fell and Carling Knott

A 9km walk with Anne and Frank.

Route: leaving the car at noon at the layby near the phone box at Waterend and talking the path down across fields and up to Hudson Place turning right to pass Jenkinson Place, slowly ascending a track onto the shoulder of the hillside. Taking a sharp left rising in the direction of Burnbank Fell but then left to descend on the obvious coffin route. After crossing Holme Beck, ignoring the left turn into the wood and continuing on the balcony path to its end, descending to and through High Nook Farm. Just after this, turning left through an unmarked handgate to join a permissive path through fields to Watergate Farm and then back along the lakeshore to the start.

Conditions: dry, cloudy above but cloud lifting off the fells.

Pub: The Kirkstile Inn, Loweswater, for American Pale and Loweswater Gold (later pizza at Fermento and a Chris Wood gig at the Kirkgate Centre).


3 September 2023

Pootle to the Loweswater Show

A tiny (8.6km) cycle ride to the Loweswater Show.

Route: from the cottage cycling to the mid-Lorton crossroads and left rising past Hopebeck to the end of the road and then turning right along the main road to the showground opposite Newhouse Farm. Afterwards, back along the main road through the narrows and home.

Conditions: a gloriously sunny warm (21C) September day.

Pub? the beer tent at the show for Cumbrian Ales, Loweswater Gold, chatting to Ian and Jo (inter alia).

2 September 2023

7.5km run from Bassenthwaite village to the lake around Scarness

A 7.5km run from Bassenthwaite village to, and along, the lakeshore (busy with swimmers and families at certain points) and back, somewhat impeded by overgrown paths.

Route: leaving the car by the green in Bassenthwaite village and heading southwest to cross the A591 and continue on a very muddy track joining a path diverging from it south first across fields and then by a stream, very narrow and overgrown. At a path crossroads by a second footbridge to the right, running left to Scarness and then taking a good path towards the lake and round it to gain a boardwalk. Along this by the lake round a vague promontory to rejoin the road, turning left and ignoring a path to take the next green track right to Mire Side and back along a C-road to recross the A591 and back to the start.

Conditions: sunny and 19C on 2 September.

Pub: the Sun Inn, Bassenthwaite, for Wainwright Gold.