17 September 2023

Brackenthwaite Hows pre-prandial pootle

A tiny 4km stroll with Anne and Frank (Lois at church in Loweswater).

Route: leaving the car in the Lanthwaite Wood National Trust car park and taking the steep shortcut to reach the start of the small path up Robin’s Steps to the summit plateau of Brackenthwaite Hows. Descending south and picking up the path within the wood by its eastern wall to join the small path descending to the boat house. Thence round the lake to the pump house and along Park Beck to Park Bridge and then the road to the Kirkstile Inn for lunch.

Conditions: cloudy but dry until very gentle drizzle at the very end.

Pub: the Kirkstile Inn, Loweswater, for American Pale and an early lunch, joined by Lois.