A 14km run on roads, tracks and paths in the north Lyth Valley before climbing and crossing Scout Scar.
Route: Taking the train to Staveley station and then running south along the Crook Road to take the first left towards Ashes Farm and then south through Ashes Coppice. On this occasion, veering only modestly west (to avoid marsh) and thus arriving at the straight field edge path to reach, and cross, the B5284 and head further south on Capplerigg Road. Following this as it becomes an overgrown and stony track to cross a stream before rising to reach a crossroads in a field. Heading south along a muddy track and then a path hidden within a hedgerow before eventually reaching Gamblesmire Lane. Along this, rising, to reach Cunswick Scar and then along familiar routes to the Mushroom, trig point and straight down to the racecourse and to the Riflemans. After a pint, a walk home.
Conditions: Warm. Cloudy giving way to sun.
Pub: The Riflemans, Kendal, for Greene King Abbot Ale.