A 7km
run over and round the south end of Scout Scar.
Route: leaving the car at the normal car park and heading via L’s preferred route north and keeping low to strike the first wall low down and maximise the climb, alongside the wall, to the Gate in the Corner. Thence to the trig point and back along the edge of the Scar to Dave’s cairn. Descending to Barrowfield Farm and south on a path through the woods for about 1km before rejoining the farm track, dog-legging down the tarmac road just before Brigsteer to the start of a walled track and along this, under the end of Heslington Barrows as it slowly rises. Running back along the higher track to the church and then right, initially at walking pace up the final hill, apparently pathless but on a right of way across two fields to cross the road and, vaulting a gate, struggling over the Escarpment and down the usual up-route to the start.
Conditions: better than the earlier forecast: high cloud and weak sun.
Pub? C-19 bottled Abbot in the summer house.