A 5+km
run to investigate some points of interest east of Kendal.
Route: leaving the car in a layby by the Castle Green Hotel and runing due east and uphill in a narrow enclosed snickleway pausing, where it opened out, to explore industrial ruins (including a chimney) in Spindle Woods to the right. Across the railway and then, cheekily, trespassing off-path to the left and uphill, through a gate and onto the highpoint which, we surmised, is the local Matterhorn as seen from Oxenholme Station. Heading back towards the path alongside and underneath the imposing remains of a dam wall and then, legally, crossing fields to reach Paddy Lane. North along this to a signed track downhill towards Kendal and turning left off it on a footpath to explore "Second Res", a partially full disused reservoir. Then west downhill across the subtle remains of "First Res" through an underpass designed for midgets and left along the work being done shoring up the railway embankmant to reach old Sedbergh Road. Down this and left uphill to the car.
Conditions: bright sun and very warm for the time of year (18C).
Pub? (C-19) Saltaire Blonde and Moorhouse Pendle Witches Brew while chatting over the web with James and Jo.