An early morning
run and swim.
Route: leaving the car at in an already half full Lanthwaite Wood National Trust car park at 7:50am and running, with oddly leaden legs, up Robin’s Steps to the summit of Brackenthwaite Hows and then north east to Pickett Howe to join the west-east footpath and following this east to cross the road at Beck House and climb to the north-south footpath under Whiteside End climbing gently southwards before descending, crossing a footbridge to reach Lanthwaite Green Farm and the path back to the Boat House. Here having a 5 minute swim as a swim club also gingerly set off on their longer expeditions. Then dressing and returning at a run directly to the carpark, now, at 9am, almost full.
Conditions: although the car thermometer said an unnerving 11C, warm in the sun making swimming plausible if cold.
Pub? 9am!