A theoretically interesting 7km
run from the village of Papcastle but not to be repeated in nettle season.
Route: leaving the car parked beside the minor road that serves as a ‘slack run’ round the southern boundary of the village and taking the path towards the river, ignoring a sign saying that it had been 'eroded'. Running west along the river on grass, under the A591 and crossing what would have been an impassable building site (probably repairing flood damage) in working hours. Then negotiating a footbridge hidden by gorse to continue with views to the right of the disused railway. Crossing a bigger footbridge and turning right along a stream, slowing to walking pace to negotiate nettles and mud and eventually reaching Priests Bridge. Turning right along the road for 200m before turning right to cross fields on the route of a Roman road and getting a sudden fine view of the North Western fells. Sadly after this, being funnelled into nettled-filled flooded paths between fields and making very slow and painful progress to reach a c-road back into Papcastle and turning right downhill to return to the car.
Conditions: a dry cool evening with high clouds.
Pub: The Belle Vue, Papcastle, for uninspiring Jennings Cumberland Ale before picking up (delicious, by contrast) Fermento take-away pizzas.