A 9km
walk with Andrew and Helen.
Route: Leaving the car on the promenade at Arnside and setting off on the coastal paved path but diverting onto the beach to avoid ice and walking round to the cove at New Barns. Continuing first on a rocky path and then returning to the beach to the next cove beyond Blackstone Point. Here climbing onto a path along the very edge of the low cliffs to Far Arnside. Heading inland to Hollins Farm and then uphill onto the Knott. At a junction of paths turning left to cross through a wall and climb to a viewpoint. Then diverting right to the trig point before continuing down hill in the direction of the viaduct and, by minor roads, reaching the car.
Conditions: bright and cold (3C) with clear views.
Pub? Mulled wine on the Arnside pier.