A short 5km
walk on Christmas Day afternoon.
Route: leaving the car in one of two lay-bys (total capacity ~5 cars) on the upper road 200m short of Brumston Bridge and entering the Ling Fell fellside at a gate. Heading uphill left to join a level track heading clockwise round the fell. After about one quarter circuit, heading sharply back right on a clear path very slowly climbing the fell. At about where the map shows it ending, turning left at a clear path crossroads and then following an obvious route (crossing other paths) to the summit. For once, not descending to the Corpse (?Copse) Road but heading south west along the vague summit ridge to a wall/fence and following this increasingly steeply down hill to Bladder Keld above Tom Rudd Beck and following the clear track to join Green Lonning (keeping to the track to the end, rather than keeping to the right of way to reach the start of the greenway, and hence having to climb a gate out of a field). Back along this to join the road and then uphill to the start..
Conditions: a cloudy day with an initial hint of drizzle. Despite the ground being frozen (minus 4C the night before), not cold.
Pub? Later, the full panoply of Christmas meal drinks starting with a Red Christmas (Campari, vodka and orange juice with some additional fizz).