A short 6km New Year’s Day
walk on icy ground.
Route: Leaving the car at the layby with a phone box by the side of Loweswater and taking the path west to Hudson Place and Jenkinson Place, slowly ascending a track onto the shoulder of the hillside. Taking a sharp left rising in the direction of Burnbank Fell and then left again to pick up the obvious coffin route. After crossing Holme Beck, taking the path on the left into the wood and descending on a diagonal. On reaching a forest track, turning left to pass the Holme Beck waterfall and then to reach the main path through the woods near (though not by) Loweswater. Following the track up to Hudson Place and then to the car.
Conditions: cold (3C) with treacherous ice under foot making for very slow progress.
Pub? A can of Lidl cider for T, bitter lemon and soda for L on the first day of Dry January.