A 5-mile Friday afternoon urban jog to shake off the trials of work (L, T snoozin’)
Route: Leaving the house aiming for the beck crossing at the end of Oak Lane but finding the beck too high to cross so turning back to reach the wood via the Valley Drive steps up to Bluebell Wood instead. From most of the way up the steps bearing right following the back fences of Bluebell Close to reach the second flight of steps and run along beside the railway line to the beck at Littledale. Following the snickleways from here to the lane up to Birk Hagg and Singleton Park Road.
Running down this as far as Parkside Road and down this to Castle Drive to take the paths running round two sides of the football pitches beside the Stores and the little metal kissing gate below the Castle. Jogging/walking up the castle mount to run round the moat (!) on the east side, south down to the cemetery and along the cemetery boundary to the path between Fletcher Park and the allotments and the Canal Path.
Running back along the Canal Path as far as Dunmail Drive to head up to Wordsworth Drive to check out Anita’s new view and then home via the Tarn Close/Buttermere Drive and Buttermere Drive/Fulmar Drive snickleways to Hilary’s and home.
Conditions: Cool but with some bright, low sunshine half of the way and light rain on the way back - very soft, muddy and flooded in any off-road stretches.
Pub? C19 and coffee-time on return but half a bottle of St Peter’s Without (0.0%) at beer-time (Dry January still dragging on).