An Outdoor Days entry because the first
run based in Lorton after the relaxation of the (first?) Covid-19 lockdown.
Route: leaving the car in the Lanthwaite Wood National Trust car park and taking the steep shortcut to reach the start of the small path up Robin’s Steps to the summit plateau of Brackenthwaite Hows. Descending south and picking up the path within the wood by its eastern wall to join the small path descending to the boat house. Thence round a very full lake, having to pick a way on rocks to get to the two footbridges at the outflow and getting soaked by a stray wave approaching the water pumping station. Heading right along the stream/river to Park Bridge and along the very minor road passing Muncaster House to join the Loweswater road close to the car park.
Conditions: blustery and a timed gap in heavy rain made possible by modern radar technology.
Pub? (C-19) No but, earlier, pints of Fell at Tweedies Grasmere on the journey up the cottage. Afet the run, a can of Hawkshead Five Hop at the cottage for T.