A 9km
Route: leaving the car near the Pheasant Inn, Bassenthwaite, and running up the road towards St Margaret’s Church, Wythop, for 1km to take a diagonal grassy path south west up and across the hillside to reach the west end of the ridge at a wall. Then turning east to walk up the ridge to the summit. Running downhill in line with the Dodd to a gap in the wall and up to a subsidiary summit and then down to a subtle saddle turning right to take a scratchy path through gorse doglegging right-left to follow a path to Sustrans Route 71. At the edge of the forest plantation (currently felled) taking a path just outside the fence and plantation to reach a level path to the right horse-shoeing round the ridge protruding south-west from Ladies Table. At a gate taking an initially subtle path slowly gaining height over the valley through the oak trees of Hagg Wood and targets for woodland archery dotted around. Where the obvious path turned right, following a theoretical path left and right across felled trees, a broken wall and over a barbed wire fence to scramble up the recently completely felled tump, Ladies Table. Then picking a way back to the Sustrans track descending towards the lake and taking the first left turn on a wide smooth forest track, down and then up and then down again, to the forestry offices and then along a path directly to the (residents only section of the) garden of the pub
Conditions: cloudy, cool for July but not actually cold, just missing the showers
Pub: the Pheasant Inn, Bassenthwaite, for a C-19 socially distanced (partitioned) pint of keg Sharp’s Atlantic Pale (because the real ales were still settling) and home made crisps.