A novel 9km
run with a bit of trespass.
Route: leaving the car at an obvious lay-by at the junction of the Cockermouth to Embleton road and the hill road (GR 136312) and heading west along the road to turn left on a marked footpath: a paved farm track to, and past, Annfield Farm and then on grass to turn left on a path from Cockermouth heading gradually uphill to Slate Fell. Just after the path turns left through one fence and then another, trending off path uphill right to the summit. Descending to the path and to the Embleton Road. Then taking an overgrown and soggy track becoming a clear grassy track and bending round the golf course hill. Having passed through an open gate into scrubbier farm land, descending left on a clear (sheep?) track to a manageable ford and the road. Heading right 100m to join forest tracks uphill at a walk in Setmurthy Common and at the point where fields were visible to the right, leaving the track for a steep path uphill to emerge at the summit. Then running on a grassy field and after an initial switchback, gently descending to Watch Hill and then along a path back to the road and the car.
Conditions: high clouds and warm.
Pub? Spurning the possibility of Cockermouth pubs for now, heading to the cottage for alcohol-free cider and Cumbrian Legendary Ales American Pale.