A very gentle aimless 6km
saunter pausing to look at, and listen to, Nature.
Route: leaving the car at the Lanthwaite Wood National Trust car park and walking up Robin’s Steps towards the summit of Brackenthwaite Hows but taking, for the first time, a path to the right underneath it. then turning left up to the summit and wandering pathless east but doubling back on a faint path through gorse, disturbing a pair of deer as we did so. Descending to Lanthwaite Wood and continuing round to near the Boat House and thence to the weir. To the pump house and along Park Bridge, detouring up a little mound south of the Beck to sit on an impressive rock. Then by quiet road to Muncaster House and back to the pump house and back to the car along the river.
Conditions: Again cold air but warm in the bright sun and still conditions.
Pub: Bottles of Cumbrian Legendary Ales Loweswater Gold and Thornebridge Big Easy at the cottage.