A tiny 5km
stroll on Easter Day as part of T’s recuperation.
Route: leaving the car on the dead-end tarmaced road to Plough Farm off the A6 and parking where work on bridge repairs had made space for 2-3 cars (at least while building work was not taking place). Heading along the road to Mosergh Farm, turning right onto the footpath on a track heading north. Keeping straight where the map shows the path turning left to a complicated sheep fold/set of gates to enter Right to Roam land. Following a fairly obvious path tending towards the visible summit but then bending round it to the west/left to reach the summit. Then along the higher ground to the east, over various intriguing outcrops and hillocks towards, but not reaching, a cairn over the wall. Then picking a route back to the sheepfold and hence the outward route.
Conditions: 10C, warm in the sun but cool when it clouded over or the wind got up.
Pub? C19 so bottled Greene King Abbot Ale and Appleby Brewery Senior Moment at home.