Route: Setting out from 3, Woodside Cottages to walk down the road to the grounds of Sizergh Castle and there walking up the drive and looping back along the woodchip trail through the bluebells and back down to the entrance. Turning left this time to walk down Nannypie Lane to the river. Turning left at the river to walk along to the bouncy footbridge and crossing this to turn back right and follow the river back to the road bridge. Crossing the road bridge and turning left to follow the river down again and pass under the A591. From there following Force Lane back (between fields full of gangs of frisky evening lambs) to cross the A590 and walk back up past the Heaves Hotel to Woodside Cottages again.
Conditions: Overcast and getting cooler as time past, but dry
Pub?: Cycling straight back to Howe Bank Close for supper with (still-recuperating) T