An 8km
run, walking a couple of steeper ascents.
Route: leaving the car in the centre of Orton and running north to take the first right then a road left parallel to a stream. Where the road seemed to end, turning right for 100 metres on a track, then left for 100 metres and then left for 100 metres again to reach the desired northbound path, parallel to a stream and across grass, through a farm and then rising more steeply across a field to join the road briefly. After a cattle grid turning right keeping parallel with a wall on the right and rising through a small scar to a summit plateau and a Celtic cross. Then further along the wall to a gate, through this and heading downhill to another wall and then, when the grassy path bent right, heading sharp left on another faint path uphill, picking paths in the direction of the summit. From the summit aiming southwest to cairns at the edge of a plateau and bumbling slowly down through rocky outcrops to a track. Missing the planned first left and taking a second across long grass and uneven ground to join a road, right along this road and then across fields again to cross Street Lane and continue by paths into Orton.
Conditions: cloudy with gusty wind, strong and cool on the summit.
Pub? (C-19) bottles of Hawkshead WPA and Wold Top Scarborough Fair IPA in the summerhouse.