A very short (4.5km)
run though breaking new ground
Route: leaving the car parked on the Brigsteer Road just before the turn off to Helsington church and running onto the Scar. Keeping to the left and running round to the geological fault-line. Descending off the main path close to the wall as far as a gate. Turning left through it, not strictly legally, onto a verdant field and heading back uphill to climb above Burnbarrow Scar and look around. After exploring, descending again down to Barrowfield and then walking back steeply up onto the Scar. Running past Dave’s Cairn onto the top of the plateau and then south parallel to the wall and Pook’s Peak, back onto the green track and thence to the car.
Conditions: still, cloudless sky and sunny. 16C.
Pub? (C-19) a bottle of St Austell Proper Job (for T) in the summer house.