A 10 km walk and
run from the top of the pass starting comparatively early to miss the heat of the day.
Route: starting from the car park on a layby by the Kirkstone Pass Inn as the car park was closed because of C-19 and heading straight up the re-engineered path to the top of Red Screes at a brisk walk. Then running down the grassy and occasionally a little marshy (even after the driest May on record) ridge towards Ambleside as far as the Struggle. Turning right and running down for a few hundred yards to taking the left turn following the signed bridleway, on an initially level track which then drops to cross the stream on a bridge and back up the far side of the valley onto the track linking farm cottages. Up this walking and running by turn to near the top of the Struggle and then walking steeply back to the start.
Conditions: brilliant sun and warm.
Pub? (C-19) somewhat reluctant to start drinking at noon so bottles of weak Hawkshead WPA and Fyne Brewery Jarl.