A 6+km
run uphill on tiring terrain.
Route: unable to fit into the single car layby by the start of the path, leaving the car in a 4-car substantial layby just south of the railway line on the A685, Appleby Road, and running east 200m along the main road and at a footpath sign heading up a rough stony track then onto a grassy path making its way uphill, out of one field at the left hand corner and out of the next at a stile with an open access land map, near the trees. Heading up to the slightly lower pike to the right with a trig point and then crossing to the summit with a cairn. Then heading downhill south by southeast, initially on a track and later on a narrow path, to see whether there was any natural access to the Fisher Tarn Reservoir land (there wasn’t). Turning left, north, and keeping close to the edge of the access land over hillocks and across what would normally have been marshy ground gaining height again to reach the in-bound stile. Descending straight down a wide smooth grassy path parallel with the edge of the field before turning left along an unmarked right of way, across a stile and back to the outward stony track.
Conditions: after a day of mainly cloud, some hints of sun.
Pub? (C-19) Saltaire Cascade and Citra in the summer house.