Route: leaving the car at the side of the quiet road which probably formed the original route of the A590 near the road to Raven’s Lodge and running up this, past the farm and then left along a track under White Scar gaining height.
Here, doglegging left then right on a faint but definite path for 100 metres to reach another later track and turning right on this with a wall of limestone to the left. Following this, quickly becoming overgrown, for 2km, at times at walking pace picking a way round, under and over fallen trees and generally descending until the valley broadened slightly with grass under foot. Continuing slightly uphill until the higher ground to the left (east) came to an end and descending, with limestone under foot, to another T-junction. Here turning right and running slightly uphill to reach a wooden byre with cows and descending steeply left on a clear track, through a gate, left at a junction and right onto a path and following this down to Rawsons and then on a track back to Raven’s Lodge and thus the car.
Pub? (C-19) Bottles of Hawkshead WPA and Moorhouse Pendle Witches’ Brew in the summer house.