10 May 2014

50km cycle pub crawl to Windermere and back

A 50km cycle pub crawl partly resulting from not fitting 3 bikes onto a cross-Windermere passenger ferry (the road ferry being closed for five year maintenance).

Route: from home up the hill past the Station Inn and then along Paddy Lane to descend to cross the A685 and, after a steeper descent, slowly to cross the River Mint south of Mealbank. Turning left to Skelsmergh, crossing the A6 and continuing by back roads to Staveley for a pint at the Hawkshead Brewery. Then past Staveley station and climbing along the route of the Dales Way to reach the Crook Road and a swift descent first to the (car) ferry terminal and then, having just missed the replacement ferry at Bowness (and hence the planned shore-line route to Ambleside), the Royal Oak for a pint. On failing to fit onto the next ferry 40mins later, giving up and cycling up to Windermere Station and along the main road to the Watermill at Ings for lunch. Then along the cycle route through Staveley and Burneside back home.

Conditions: low cloud and repeated rain showers, sometimes heavy.

Pubs: Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley, for Hawkshead WPA, Iti NZPA, Gold; The Royal Oak, Bowness, for Coniston Bluebird and Taylor’s Landlord; the Watermill, Ings, for lunch and Watermill Golden Retriever, Dogth Vader and Bit o’ Ruff and Cumbrian Legendary Ales Loweswater Gold.