9 August 2014


A modest circuit from Coniston whilst staying, with Angie and Alistair, at Fir Bank.

Route: leaving the car on the road beyond the Ruskin Museum and walking further up to turn left on a footpath into the Coppermines area and then turning right uphill just after the hydro-electric scheme. Following the path that contours round the head of the Coppermines valley at a gentle altitude to the remains of the Thriddle water wheel and then up the Thriddle Incline to the Blake How ridge, and then along a grassy path to the top of Black Sails and across marshy ground to Wetherlam. Swirl How and Coniston Old Man being in cloud, turning right to the tarns at the top of Steel Edge but then descending directly to Hole Rake, the hydro-electric scheme and back to the car.

Conditions: low cloud but some sun. Very windy on top. Later, when sitting outside the pub, a warm sunny afternoon.

Pub: the Black Bull, Coniston for Coniston Infinity IPA and K7. Joined, by chance, by Angie and Alistair.