31 May 2015

Sale Fell

An initially unpromising ascent of a tiny fell which turned out to have points of interest.

Route: form the car park at the end of the old A65 near Hursthole Point, heading 100m north as far as a footpath on the left signed Wythop Hall and taking this rising through trees to a forestry track. Not seeing the continuation of the path across the track, following the track left and then looping back to where the footpath must have rejoined it higher up and then along to steps descending to the right. Down over a stream and then climbing to another forestry track and turning right along this through evidence of tree felling to reach the C2C bridleway. Along this to climb out of Wythop Woods and onto the Wythop hanging valley. Turning right to follow an obvious path to the fellside where a right-left dogleg reached a diagonal path across gorse and eventually to the summit. Back via the easterly subsidiary summit and then back down the C2C route to the start.

Conditions: initially dismal low cloud and drizzle. Later blustery wind and cloudy sun.

Pub: the Pheasant for Corby Ale and Hawskhead Bitter with Mark and Helen Richards. Later still tea with Gloria and Mitch at the Armathwaite Hall Hotel.