17 October 2015

Harrison Stickle

An expedition submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Cub Scout achievement badge (for Tom) with Steve, Kathryn, Tom and Alex.

Route: leaving the car at the National Trust car park at New Dungeon Ghyll (free for members) and heading north west past the pub to cross Dungeon Ghyll, before bending left to climb up to the west of Pike Howe, behind it and back to its summit, Alex scampering ahead. Then on across the grassy shoulder past the steep ravine to climb Harrison Stickle from behind. Then down a clear rocky path to Stickle Tarn and down the heavily re-engineered path mainly on the east side of the stream (full of parties of ghyll-scramblers towards the bottom).

Conditions: initially warm, sunny and still but biting wind and cloudy when on the top and some of the way back down.

Pub: the Stickle Barn, New Dungeon Ghyll, for Tirril Original and Coniston Bluebird XB.