24 April 2016

A 14km run into Kentmere from Ings

A 13.5km run mainly on good paths and tracks, for once run anti-clockwise.

Route: leaving the car on the road in Ings and running uphill on a quiet road to Grassgarth, where the road gives way to stony track, and then gently further uphill to a bifurcation of tracks. Unusually, turning sharp right to reach the top of a tarmac road descending into Kentmere. Just before Browfoot, taking a permissive path that leads round the farm to join the riverside track to its west. Along past Crofthead and Sawmill Cottage to reach the Hollingworth & Vose factory and then taking the green valley bottom path. After 2km in Hall Wood, bearing left off the right of way but on a track to pick up the southbund track. Rising up this to cross the moorland on a clearly artificial, only occasionally submerged, raised causeway across marshes eventually rejoining the outward tracks to regain Grassgarth and then Ings.

Conditions: cloudy, but with odd hints of brightness. Still in the valley bottom and with birdsong.

Pub: the Watermill, Ings for Watermill Wruff Night while waiting for Lois then the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley for WPA and NZPA with lunch.