28 May 2016

Rannerdale Knotts

A short walk with Derek, Jenny and Simone after lunch at the Kirkstile Inn.

Route: leaving the car in the small carpark immediately underneath the end of the fell and walking north east to reach the open end of Rannerdale where the bluebells were just past their best. Up the gently ascending valley (rescuing a stranded Herdwick lamb on the way) to the col at the very far end and turning right to join the ridge. Following this to the summit and then descending on a pitched staircase-like path almost back to the carpark but then turning left to paddle in Crummockwater.

Conditions: hazy and cloudy but with hints of warm sun.

Pub: the Grange Bridge Cottage teashop, Grange – after some car difficulty near the top of Honister Pass – for cream tea, carrot cake, chocolate cake and Victoria sponge!