4 February 2017

Loweswater fells

A substantial 15km walk on marshy ground on a winter day with varied weather.

Route: leaving the car at Maggie’s Bridge and taking the track past High Nook Farm to what seems to be a continuation of the coffin route over a shoulder to the next valley with views down on Whiteoak Beck. Shortly before the grassy track ran out (and already partly overtaken by marsh) heading down to cross the two feeder streams for the beck and climbing just above marshes to a sheep track towards the head of the valley. At a fence turning left uphill and then onto the ridge and heading north to the summit of Hen Comb. Returning down the ridge to pick up a track towards Floutern Tarn and then heading pathless up Floutern Cop. Then along a fence line on a marshy path to Gavel Fell and then drier to Blake Fell. Slowly descending on very marshy path to Burnbank Fell and descending steeply north east to pick up the coffin trail and back through the woods to the start.

Route: cloudy with later warm sunny spells and a very short hail shower.

Pub: the Kirkstile Inn, Loweswater for Loweswater Gold.