15 April 2018

9km run in/above the Green Quarter, Kentmere

A surprisingly wild and tiring run onto muddy moorland above Kentmere.

Route: leaving the car on the road just before the entrance to the Hollingworth & Vose factory and running through the factory yard to take the green valley bottom path to Kentmere Hall. Turning right to the church and down the road to cross the river and take an immediate left. After 100m walking up a steep footpath across a field to dog-leg left-right across the upper Green Quarter road. Then taking a footpath signed to Sadgill initially along Cornclose lane, slowly gaining altitude and the shoulder south of Hollow Moor. On entering Right to Roam land, taking a path south east to a gate in the corner of a wall and joining the main path towards Hall Lane but diverging after a second gate to head south west towards H P Plantation and down to the valley bottom road and back to the car.

Conditions: grey but warm and dry, missing the forecast rain.

Pub: the Hawkshead Brewery, Staveley, for Hawkshead Centennial and Citra and Magic Rock, Rapture and lunch.