21 July 2018

Brackenthwaite Hows figure-of-eight stroll

A 5km walk encompassing lunch with Paul and Katya.

Route: leaving the car at the Lanthwaite Wood NT car park and walking to the lake (shockingly low water levels) and round as far as the swimming beach. Turning right along a slightly raised track and then by the river to join another path to reach Lowpark and Park Bridge and hence to the Kirkstile Inn for lunch. Afterwards, walking back to the car park and on the rising path to gain the faint notional saddle just south of Brackenthwaite Hows and turning left to reach the summit. Descending via Robin Steps.

Conditions: high cloud, dry and warm. “Soft.”

Pub: the Kirkstile Inn for Bloody Crown, Langdale, Loweswater Gold and lunch.