7 April 2019

Brackenthwaite Hows and Pickett Howe 5km circuit

A second instance of this route somewhat the worse for the previous day's walk.

Route: leaving the car at the Lanthwaite Wood National Trust car park and running up Robin’s Steps to the summit of Brackenthwaite Hows and then north east to Pickett Howe to join the west-east footpath and following this east to cross the road at Beck House and climb to the north-south footpath under Whiteside End climbing gently southwards before descending, crossing a footbridge to reach Lanthwaite Green Farm and the path back to the Boat House. Then north to the weir at the outflow of Crummock Water and back along the river to the start.

Conditions: cloudy and grey but warm and brightening.

Pub: Tweedies, Grasmere, for Hawkshead Session Series 2019 26 Citra, Semcoe and Centennial, Bitter and lunch.