23 July 2019

Cycle circuit of Fellbarrow

A 24km cycle ride on a rest day from running, forecast to be the hottest day of the year.

Route: from the cottage, cycling to Low Lorton and across the river heading north west then turning left at Sandybeck Bridge, left at Brandlingill and again at Lea Bank and ignoring the normal right turn to Pardshaw to head to Mosser and thence 200m uphill against a chevron to reach a higher level road past Sosgill to Mockerkin. Turning left and climbing to the top of Fangs Brow before descending to Loweswater and then the Kirkstile Inn for a pint. Back via Thackthwaite.

Wildlife: Pair of stoat kits cavorting in the road just after Thackthwaite!

Conditions: warm sun but only getting properly hot in the pub garden.

Pub: the Kirkstile Inn, for Cumbrian Legendandary Ales Session IPA.