15 August 2019

10km run behind the Helm

An unlikely to be repeated solitary 10km run from home, with sodden fields, tricky navigation and lots of nettles on the debit side.

Route: from home, running up the hill to the Station Inn and left to take the first right following a footpath sign but immediately getting lost and existing a farm yard straight ahead when the correct route was right. Regaining the clear track a field later (sadly only by climbing walls), round Flats Hill and descending to Low Garths and then slightly up along the road before turning right towards Strickley and then heading left uphill along the edge of a field with views from the top. Descending to cross a boggy field, a footbridge and then a sodden field to reach Blease Hall and, after a while, finding the correct route along a track and then muddily besides fields to reach the one pleasant bit of the run: 300m through Bleasehall Wood. Then along heavy, muddy fields by St Sunday's Beck to cross a foot bridge, uphill to Stang and a little along a road before taking the first footpath to the right, due north, rising to gain a view of the Helm and then descending towards a tarn but finding the path blocked by a 4 feet stream. Luckily finding, hidden in nettles 50m south by a wall, a makeshift bridge of piled up planks and, having beaten back the nettles, crossing without too much collateral damage. Rising uphill to the road under the Helm, climbing at a walk the end of the Helm and along the ridge to descend home.

Conditions: warm and sunny.

Pub: rather later, with Lois back from her first week living in Lorton, the Alexanders' at the Castle Green Hotel for Cumbrian Legendary Ales Session IPA.