1 September 2019

Stroll to Albas and above

A 17km stroll while visiting Andrea near Castelfranc.

Route: leaving the house and walking south to Castelfranc via minor roads, a path by a stream and a quiet road behind a minor industrial estate, crossing the town to reach the river and heading left, south east beside it and the main road on the route of an old railway line. After a while, descending onto a minor road to reach a suspension bridge over to Albas and rising into the village centre. After consulting a large wall-mounted route map, heading south uphill on Combe Oliere, curving east to meet a road and then north to a view over the Lot with a table d’orientation. Descending on a narrow path back to Albas and then by roads to the bridge back over into Castelfranc and home by the outward route.

Conditions: a cooler, cloudier day between hot days.

Wildlife: Goats, chickens, a squirrel a gecko and a graceful heron flying back and forth by the weir at Albas.

Pub? No but a bottle of La Belle Poole Blonde Houblonnee at the orientation table with our sandwiches.