21 November 2020

Whitbarrow Scar 9+km variant

A 9km run with blue skies and some sun after 36 hours of drizzle and rain during the second coronovirus lockdown.

Route: leaving the car at the side of the quiet road which probably formed the original route of the A590 near the road to Raven’s Lodge and running up this, past the farm and then left along a track under White Scar gaining height. This time, the flat bed of ancient rock was dangerously slippy so progress was possible only at its left hand edge. Shortly after entering a wood and passing a bench, angling right uphill to climb onto the top of the plateau and then through and back through a wall to gain more height to enjoy fine views south over the Kent Estuary. Then taking paths rising gently, with views over the Winster valley and to the Lakeland Fells, to reach the summit. Further north and east to cross a wall stile and, where the marked path turned left, continuing forward to a T-junction. This time simply turning left on a track and descending, ignoring a track to the right, to reach a gate and a T junction. Turning right and following this clear bridleway to its end, very wet and muddy under foot. Once the sense of elevation to the right had passed, descending on a narrow path down to Rawsons farm and then on a track back to Raven’s Lodge and thus the car.

Conditions: blue sky and some sun after a lengthy period of low cloud and rain.

Pub? During the second C-19 lockdown, The Summerhouse for Hawkshead Route 606 and Eden Brewery Emperor.